Sunday, September 30, 2007

Around the studio

Since I moved my wheel outside, I've noticed a surprising number of new little creatures that I probably wouldn't normally see on my usual trip to the studio. Gekkos, Red headed skinks (a lizard), blue racer skinks, crab spiders, a rainbow of different colored dragonflies, etc., all going about their business seemingly undisturbed by my presence and the constant hum of the wheel. A great place to look for design inspiration.

Saw this unusual little fellow hanging out on a loquat leaf around dusk. His/her body alone was close to an inch long. Always suspect of unusual looking bugs since moving to the south, I checked online to make sure he/she wasn't venomous. From the Dave's Garden web site (a great gardener's resource, btw), I learned he/she was a "Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans)" that loves to eat bugs (including wasps) but is not known to bite humans. I was glad to know that since the plants in that part of my garden, especially my gardenia, have had a bit of an aphid problem the last 2 yrs. I'm always in favor of a natural predator vs using pesticides.

1 comment:

Gary Antosh said...

Hey there,

This is Gary from

No one likes bugs but it’s important to know which bugs in the garden are harmful and which insects are beneficial.

I'm emailing you today because we just published an article on Bad Bugs in the garden.

I noticed you included

in your post here:

The article looks at 30+ bad bugs and might make a nice addition and resource to your page. What do you think?

Review the article at:

If you have any suggestions to improve the article please let me know.

All The Best,
